Thursday, 26 December 2019

The Witcher Season 2 Release Date and Story

Release Date :

Netflix announced on Twitter the news of The Witcher's season 2 renewal with a photo of Geralt's twin swords: one made of steel to kill people, and one made of silver to destroy magical creatures. The tongue-in-cheek tweet refers to the fact that Roach usually holds the silver sword in Sapkowski's novels, while Geralt bears on his back the steel sword.

The Story :

The Witcher is loosely based on the books of Sapkowski, and season 1 ends with the Sodden Hill Battle, which marks the end of the First Northern War. The first season is based primarily on the first two Witcher story collections: The Sword of Destiny and The Last Wish, and also partially on the first book, Blood of Elves. Notably, there are three separate timelines for season 1: Yennefer's, Geralt's, and Ciri's. In the first season, the paths of Geralt and Yennefer cross twice, and eventually Geralt and Ciri meet at the end, where the three timelines intersect.

Now that Ciri is in Geralt's care, we may see him bringing her to Kaer Morhen to train as a witcher-although on the basis of his conversation with his mother, Geralt may not be interested in inflicting such brutal training on his own child. After using her magic to kill Nilfgaard's army, Yennefer's fate was left unclear, and she may be weakened when the Witcher season 2 begins. Yennefer establishes a close relationship with Ciri in the novels, and hopefully in the next season we will be able to see the two of them connect.

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